The words in italics and bold are general symptoms of a brain aneurysm. A ruptured aneurysm can cause massive internal bleeding, which is usually fatal. Around 8 out of 10 people with a rupture either die before they reach hospital or don’t survive surgery. Learn more here.
Brain Aneurysm
bad, bad headaches, how do you know if it’s not the trauma packed? he moves his head from right to left as his stiff neck makes a gentle click and crack. with a grunt he says, “you’re… mhm…. too much.’ I wonder if it’s me or the double vision either way I’m sure it nauseates him. There’s confusion, there’s pain he doesn’t even smile- “one half of my face is numb” ah, and that’s just when I thought there was hope, in the pool of beautiful his dilated pupil, ‘a’ dilated pupil- It struck me like lightning “cerebral / brain aneurysm”, I say clutching his eyebrow in fear and pain, his breath as shaky as the dead, “do people survive these?” as I shiver and mutter under my breath, “do not rupture please.” ~shevaun stonem
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