Above all, this is one thing I will never lose.
I’m just a girl 🎀 who loves writing and your small $6 contribution allows me to keep writing these nuggets for you.
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One of the most beautiful creations in my opinion, is a kadeiloscope. Have you seen how beautiful it is? It’s such an interesting concept. A kaleidoscope is born of chaos. Broken shards of glass, seemingly useless and discarded, are placed inside a narrow tube. They’re jagged, irregular, and fractured—pieces of something that once was whole but no longer is. And yet, when you tilt the tube and let the light hit, something miraculous happens. The shards—those same jagged edges—form patterns of breathtaking beauty, intricate symmetry, and infinite variation. What was broken becomes something radiant. But the key lies in the mirror within. Without reflection, without alignment, the chaos would remain chaos. It’s the act of mirroring that transforms ruin into art.
There is one virtue that is like a kadeiloscope. Life, with its disappointments and fractured moments, scatters you into shards. You feel broken, fragmented, lost. But the mirror of this one virtue—who you are when no one is watching—rearranges those shards into coherence. It isn’t about perfection; it’s about alignment. This virtue takes the pieces of you, no matter how imperfect or sharp-edged, and reflects them into a pattern that makes sense, that feels whole, that stands in the light of truth.
When I was in the 10th standard, I turned up to my History prelims very sick and even more, unprepared for the paper. Being contagious, I had to write the exam in isolation, in the infirmary. Infamous with the nurses and head doctor for being a self-licenced MBBS, I was left un-proctored with my bag next to me.